By ldrik1 - 11/06/2014 20:36 - United States - Syracuse

Today, my psycho neighbor finished building a cannon. An honest-to-god, on-wheels, could-be-on-a-pirate-ship cannon. And now he's testing it in the forest by my house. I'm pretty scared for my life, to be honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 220
You deserved it 4 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you know where to go when the zombie apocalypse begins.


That's pretty cool honestly. I went to a camp that would wake you up by cannon. It even had a name: Buttercup

I hope it blows your house up and also FML shuts down for good. **** FML and Any non white #masterrace.

Considering how, very, possible it is for a canon to explode, I think OP has a valid reason to be scared with one being fired beside their house.

Is that even legal? Firing a weapon in an area with more housing

depending on the firearm, 500 yards away from a road/housing is law. Op did say he was in the woods.

Isn it illegal to build and own a cannon in the USA?

Hahahaha why would you think that? The US of A, where "maybe we should see who's getting guns" means "GUBNMINT WANTS TA TAKE MA GUNS! Inta the bunker kids!" Sorry, the amount of mass shootings this year has left me pissed at the gun-nut fringe.

Wow. Good to know that how we sound.

The total amount of gun violence in the USA is going down, not up. That is as the number of legally-held firearms is increasing rapidly. Also the number of school shootings is massively exaggerated; a recent meme from the anti-gun kooks increased the number by over 75% by including suicides and gang-bangers accidentally shooting themselves. The solution to school shootings is of course not to name the shooter in the media. That is the advice of a police psychologist who says that they tend to come in spates, later ones triggered by the publicity for the first. Yet the left-wing media are increasing publicity in order to advance a gun-control agenda, thus quite possibly triggering more incidents.

It turns me on to hear people talk like that 76. Lol. Educating yourself goes a long way.

Well what would you do for a Klondike bar

Reminds me of peter griffin and Cleveland.