By fffemaleee - 31/05/2015 18:21 - United States - Waterford

Today, my phone got stolen at church. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 268
You deserved it 3 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of the “I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness" quote:(

Have somebody dial your number and see if the ministers's pocket rings!


It's your fault for going to church. Why would you do that?

TallMist 32

Now, I'm not sure about how right I am about this, but... I think maybe, JUST MAYBE... The OP is religious.

That happen to my mom only it was her purse luckily she got all cards canceled

I am sure the thief would have confessed his sin..

this is the simplest fml ive ever seen

MrZsDad 19

Makes me wonder what is in your text snd browser history lol

That's the misconception people generally have; just because you go to church, it doesn't automatically make you a good person.

Shitty people go to church, too. Can't imagine why this qualifies as an FML.

My first pay check I got cashed, $150 ... it was stolen at church.