By evilmuffinlord - 18/06/2013 06:34 - United States - Houston

Today, my parents took my iPad back to the store and exchanged it for two cheap knock off tablets. Reason being my little brother threatened to run away because I had one and he didn't. I bought the iPad on my own after graduation. They kept the difference in price. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 388
You deserved it 3 980

evilmuffinlord tells us more.

evilmuffinlord 14

hello! OP here. Originally, I was very upset, I hadn't been home when it happened and when I came back I found out. I have since talked to my parents, and found out my mom was the one who did it, but she put the extra money back into my bank account. I do live with my parents until I go off to college. The Ipad was an overzealous purchase, and after messing with the tablet its not so bad. As for my brother, my dad sat him down and talked to him about how it was wrong to do that and he needs to earn stuff, etc etc etc. And his tablet will be returned. So I guess in a sense everything is ok now. xD I wasnt expecting to have this accepted, I didn't even have an account till this morning.

Top comments

Why did you let your parents take it? I wouldn't have given it up without a fight.

saIty 17

Your brother is bluffing. He would come back if he ran away. They always come back.


blackvyper 8

its your fault that you're so frigging weak like that then, good lord

Why did you let then take it if you bought it..that was your first mistake

your mom needs a swift kick in the ****. just saying.

You need to get out of the environment ASAP OP. That shows a huge lack of respect and it sounds like your family is a bunch of jackasses.

Your parents need a lesson in what their children buy with their own money is their property. I would have let your little brother go and see how far he would get with no job, no money and no car. I guarantee you he would have come back after a day or two and got the life lesson that materials things are nice when you work for it!

That's so stupid. If my parents came anywhere near my iPad there would be some problems because they did not buy it. My sister got it for me not them. Your brother must be a real pain

Overzealous purchase on your part or not. The thing is my rule is simple if I would call the cops for someone doing something that isn't related to me then while I won't call the cops on Family i won't act like it's all good either. They stole from you. Theft plain and simple.

tia_waring 10

Wtaf! I would of been so annoyed with them they had no right!!