By disgusted - 29/03/2014 21:31 - United Kingdom

Today, my parents and I attended the funeral of my husband's mother. It was open-casket, and my parents went to take a look. My mum muttered, "With a dress that tacky, no wonder she died", and my dad chuckled. A fight quickly erupted, and the police were called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 910
You deserved it 5 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iShanny 13

That'll make for some awkward family get togethers...


OP, sorry for your loss. Also sorry your mom doesn't know how to support your family in the time of their loss.

I don't understand how anyone could think that making an insulting joke at a funeral could be funny. It's a sad world we live it.

Ok I'm partially confused is the husband a man or a woman im going to assume woman cus op put she, any clarification?