By Anonymous - 21/11/2013 22:30 - United States - Auburn

Today, my neighbor finally password-protected his wifi. Right in the middle of my timed, online exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 030
You deserved it 95 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats what you get when you freeload. Get your own wifi dude!

Omfgitsmia 15

I don't whether you deserved this or if your life sucks lol. Maybe a little of both.


Having wifi stolen sucks. I password protect my WiFi but there are programs that will keep trying password combinations until it finds one that works. No matter how random it is eventually the computer finds one that fits even if it takes months. Everytime my password gets cracked I get a slowdown from one of my neighbor's stealing my bandwidth. To the point that all of the amazon videos I own and have up on their cloud so I can stream and watch them at anytime won't buffer in real time so I end up waiting 10 minutes to watch 5 minutes of video. Having someone pirate stuff sucks becuase for everything taken that is one less sale but in most cases the movie/tv show still made enough money that the people being stolen from are only rich as opposed to mega rich. However stealing the bandwidth of your neighbor who like me only source of affordable entertainment is the internet can seriously impede the quality of their life.

If you're going to school, you may as well use the internet they provide in the library, unless you're enrolled in an online university, in which case, seriously?

This isn't a YDI, it's a YFDI. It's funny cuz you have to pay to retake the class AND to get your own internet, leech.

Maybe get your own internet rather than leech off your neighbour?

serves u right go get ur own wifi freeloading winge bag!!@

FurryRocks 10

You could have just asked them if you could borrow their wifi and pay them for it monthly.