By mynameislor - 09/02/2010 14:26 - Canada

Today, my mum was saying she needs to gain weight because she was underweight according to her doctor. She then said she's going to eat like me in order to gain more weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 230
You deserved it 7 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have some pride, (grow a backbone :/), it's just how you are. Don't be ashamed, if you are, just change. (:

once again a girl taking somthing in the wrong context, did she callu fat?? I didn't see it, she just implied u rather eat alot or eat unhealthy learn to hear and don't always asume peopleean something other than what they actually say. it will make life alot easier.


shade609 0

ever occur to you that she bought them for you? ******* idiot, don't jump to conclusions. this is neither a FYL or a YDI. this is just some idiot being paranoid. if you came home and saw a 360 or a PS3 you'd be like "holy shit my girlfriend's awesome," not "OMFG there's a 360 and/or PS3 here and I don't own one so my gf's a cheating *****!" so stfu and be goddamn happy with your Levi's you stupid ****.

shade609 0

sorry iPod messed up and I posted on the wrong fml. lol FML

Well OP, on the bright side, at least she said that she wanted to like you. She could've said she wanted to, like, eat you in order to gain more weight.

Everybody on this site who complains about stupid shit that doesn't really matter, really should listen to this song

shde609, wrong FML completely.... nice 1

boatkicker 4

How about F your moms life. If her doctor actually mentioned that she should gain she's more than just slightly underweight. I wish her luck in gaining.

tweetbaby14 18

maybe if you'd put down the fork and push far away from the table and ate like a peanut a day she wouldn't be saying that? and why do fat people complain on here call dr. Phil or oprah you'll get a free fork with oprah Id call her first

it's a joke.. maybe you're a teenager?

Erindub 0

At your moms age her metabolism isn't as fast as yours so it'd be almost a compliment.

shoguu 0

to hell with all the "high metabolism" stuff. eating anything the size of a person would lead to weight gain. eating a bag of celery the size of a toddler would still lead to adding a pound or two, if not a ruptured stomach and death.