By yourebeautiful - 31/12/2011 20:37 - United States

Today, my mom took my cell to work with her. When she got home later, she scolded me for not answering her calls. When I pointed out that she'd taken it, she grounded me for "talking back". FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 107
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She should have admitted her mistake; anything else is just plain stupid. FYL.


RammerJammer93 0

Sounds like somethin my mom would do

Hypocrites, now their your mom. Prepare for groundings and unfair rules

You shut your mouth when you're talking to me!

What a bitch. And so are you for taking it.

mason66 0

She obviously just got pissed off because she was wrong and decided to take it out on you. That doesn't make her a bad mother, it just makes her irrational.

PawsUp_fml 2