By ladytyy - 27/07/2011 23:45 - United States

Today, my mom still hasn't gotten over the novelty of our brand new microwave. We've been eating hot pockets for nearly a week now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 192
You deserved it 3 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

txgirl2013 14


jenaandtyler128 0

hot pockets are awesome and very good and you need to be grateful that you have something to eat cause their are people who live in the streets and got no homes and food and die cause of it don't be so greedy

kaykay20 0

Well it's understandable if the mom has full control of the shopping expenses and only got hot pocket to eat for her whole family. So even if op could cook it wouldn't make a difference if hot pockets were the only thing in the house.

I haven't had Hot Pockets in a few years. Yum. That said, by the time I could type a decent sentence I had also learned how to cook my own food, I'm sure you can manage ramen or a PB&J. Get in the kitchen and make something.

kaykay20 0

Seeing as he or she is the kid of the house and is complaining of only being able to eat hot pockets that he or she doesn't have money to buy his own food and that hot pocket are the only food left in the house.

Hot Pockets are not the best thing in the world for anyone. I would recommend doing what so many others have suggested and go buy a cookbook. Learn to make things for yourself. You'll only improve your situation if you try.

kaykay20 0

Hot pockets are yummy as a snack and theirs a variety of them if you don't want to eat the same ham and cheese one. Like a whole grain supreme pizza or barbecue chicken. Still though you can't live off them and still get all the nutrition you need hopefully she realizes that soon and has your family eating better again.

Well if she's anything like my nom you can count on eating them for the next two years or until the microwave blows up

iLockHearts 0

haha I just looked him up after you said this and it was hilarious! "Will this hurt my mouth? It will DESTROY your mouth!" xD

helterskeltersmi 0

Diarrhea pockets! (Jim Gaffigan reference FTW)

I ate your mom's hot pocket just last week. It was tuna flavored.