By ughhhh - 03/05/2014 21:10 - United States

Today, my mom spent over $200 getting me tested for every drug in the book. All because I admitted to smoking a single cigarette two years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 694
You deserved it 7 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can we please not start this debate again? I'm even asking nicely.

Untrusting and overreactive parents can seriously mess up their kids. Im sorry OP, shes wasting her money,


Hmmm...gross overreaction if I ever saw one. Most kids try stuff like that at least once. I told my dad I tried a cigar in high school (a month or two after the fact) and it was fine - no drug test, no nothing, but then again, I didn't even drink until I was 27 and even now very sparingly for no other reason than that I just don't like most alcohol and can't stand the smell of cigarettes and marijuana. So yeah...a good parent applauds honesty. OP's mom needs a chill pill. Or a good ******.

lack of trust leads to a lot of tests.. and waste of money.. sucks

EvanTheBaker 3

Shouldn't have said anything to begin with.

Also, don't smoke. I smoked from the time I was 10 until just a few months ago and I am now 23. My boyfriend wakes me up nearly every night in a panic because I stop breathing in my sleep for a lengthy period of time and then gasp for air. I, most likely, have sleep apnea. In addition to stopping breathing in my sleep, I snore like my grandfather who sounds like a boat horn when he snores and I wake up more exhausted than when I went to sleep. This has all started since I quit smoking. Nice reward for quitting? Nope, more like reassurance not to EVER start again. Thank you, menthol 100's!!

Sleep apnea is mostly unrelated to smoking, you may have two completely different things... [EDIT] Maybe I should clarify that before getting negrepped to h*ll :P. It is possible, but remote. Problem is however, when a doctor examining you for sleep apnea hears you are a smoker, they will immediately blame it on that, while that may not actually be the cause at all. You'll have a hard time getting them to look beyond that though. [/EDIT]

sp4ghetti 9

Parents aren't supposed to be your friends, even though she may have overreacted, she's just showing through her sporadic actions how much she cares about your safety and health. I knew someone in an almost identical situation, but when their parents got them drug tested, they surprised us all by actually having been doing a whole plethora of drugs. I'm sure when you are a parent you will understand.

And there goes your college fund in one overzealous overreaction.