By -____- - 05/10/2013 21:28 - United States - Seattle

Today, my husband yelled from upstairs, "Babe! BABE, COME QUICK!" Terrified that something might have happened to our newborn daughter, I rushed up, only to find out he just wanted to show me that he'd learned how to spin a top on the tip of his penis without it falling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 333
You deserved it 7 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a pretty impressive skill. You gotta give it to him

it's reasons like this we were placed on this planet


Well, you gotta hand it to him, that is pretty impressive.

Well he thinks it's important...give him his moments of pride...

That's really impressive. But wouldn't that hurt.?

I had to keep reading this over because I kept reading he could "spin on the tip of his penis without falling."

Chill. No one ever called anyone babe in a moment of crisis.

Congrats OP. Now you have your own little circus which has big potentials to make you rich.

sugarbaby9908 20

That takes skill man!! Be proud!!

I think it's a little sad you can't figure out distress from I did something cool. Loosen up babe you have a kid that is going to terrorize you. You will need that humor in just a few years