By Enni - 27/08/2016 08:47

Today, my husband told me that, "a girl's orgasm serves no purpose". FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 680
You deserved it 1 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Garnetshaddow 30

I suppose that depends on his definition of "purpose." Does he ever want to have sex with you again? He may change his answer.

SargeRho 6


BeccaSedai 7

Are you actively trying to get pregnant? No? Then all sex is purposeless. Besides which, it's been hypothesized that a woman's ****** can increase the likelihood of insemination if you ARE trying to get pregnant. Your husband's an asshole, you should punch him in the head and then deny him his own ****** until he's given you five of your own.

Even if he meant it serves no biological purpose he is wrong, if a woman has an ****** during sex with or after the man it increases the chance of getting pregnant, by contracting the cervix and helping absorb sperm.

So is sex if you aren't trying to reproduce.

Talis99 26

What was the context? If you were talking about biology, then it would actually be pretty close to being true. If you were talking about sex, not so much.

Your husband is a moron.... An ****** helps the mans sperm swim up and gain access to the egg.

saffy66 34

Apart from all the other quoted reasons, some studies suggest that female orgasms act on the cervix in such a way to give an advantage to the male sperm, which like the humans they become, tend to be faster but which die sooner. By the same token, having sex right at or before ovulation gives the male sperm the advantage, but stopping about three days before means a higher percentage of female sperm are still alive, so any resulting pregnancy is likely to be a female child.

It aids in a woman's ability to conceive.

Is that only because he can't give you one?