By katybaby - 09/12/2010 17:15 - United States

Today, my husband ran at me, groaning like a zombie. I was so startled that I screamed, punched him, and started sobbing. Now he won't talk to me because this is 'the first step on the road of domestic violence'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 336
You deserved it 11 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rule #2 Double Tap. Might want to punch him again just in case.


fambrosio 0

This is the second funniest zombie story involving a husband and wife and domestic abuse that I've read in a while...but really this is funny...well not the domestic abuse part...well maybe a little.

It this were reversed, she'd deserve the punch. It isn't as if she intentionally hit him, she was startled and "fight or flight" kicked in.

Your husband is not a zombie. He was playing around. Why did you punch your husband? Why did you start crying?

SympathyearAbs 0

Oh my god, my sister did the same thing to me! Really, some people are just freaked out by zombies. She panics every time I even moan like one. And as for people asking why she's crying, it's just what some people do when they're badly startled. Again, my sister does the same thing, and why I don't surprise her. Her husband deserved to be punched, if he's married to her, he should have known she would react like this and not done it.

Very well, I will do as you ask. I will stop commenting forever because you told me to. Goodbye, FML.

Yes, 28, that is unreasonable and completely abnormal. You may want to see an endocrinologist for that hormone imbalance.

bobsanction 18

He should be happy you're prepared to defend yourself if he ever becomes undead.