This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By kaijen - 09/09/2016 05:11 - United States - Washington

Today, my husband and I had sex for the first time in months. Afterwards, when he thought I was asleep, I caught him jacking off to porn. His defense: "Why should you be the only one to get off multiple times?" I got off once, from the toy he used, pre-sex. He then got mad at me for catching him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 058
You deserved it 2 472

kaijen tells us more.

Unfortunately, not many of you guys are getting my problem. We have been together for 5yrs. I've had a high sex drive our entire relationship. He watches **** almost every night, after I've gone to the bedroom. We HAVE discussed this... MANY times. He says jacking off is just less work and he'd rather use his hand than undress and have to worry about having sex, therefore being "too spent" for sex for sometimes months at a time. I have no problem with **** or ************ in general. It can be a healthy, sometimes needed release. But not when your wife is horny all the time, always doing the experimentations you ask for, and you just don't want to take time out of your Play Station time to actually have some intimacy. He was done with me after he got off after less than 3min and instead of asking for a Round 2, which he KNOWS I'm always down for, he went and hid what he was doing.

Top comments

Communication is the most important part of any relationship. How can you hope for a problem to be solved if your other half isn't aware of it in the first place? I'm not criticizing you or your husband, I just want you to remember that healthy conversation about these issues is the healthiest way of resolving them.


OP honestly, if you can afford it, please just get a divorce. Divorces suck but it'd be so much better than being stuck with this.

My ex-husband was the exact same way, with the added bonus of going a month at a time without even sleeping in our bed. We tried counseling, but I never saw sustained improvement. Take it from is too short to be THAT unhappy for THAT long.

You choose how you feel OP, don't make your happiness depending on someone else. As long as you let him play those dominance games with you, he will keep doing it. It's not narcissistic personality disorder, it's you playing doormat to your husband and setting your own needs aside, making yourself unhappy in the process. You are in an unhealthy dependency relationship where there always is a perpetrator and a victim, a switching cycle. You are being pushed into codependency where his guilt of his dependency makes you think he values it more than he does you. You can change this OP! Not all is lost! By recognizing the unhealthy habits of communication you adopt with eachother, you can learn to prevent them and change you way of interacting with eachother to create a more satisfying and harmonious partnership. I'd suggest you read up about it and hope you soon can create the wonderful healthy marriage you deserve. God bless you OP.

Or get a divorce. As much as you might try to deny it, disorders like narcissism do exist and are incredibly hard to change. OP has said they've already tried counselling and it didn't work. Sometimes there really is just nothing you can do. I think OP would be much happier if she left and found someone easier and nicer to be with.

I have learned over the last year that there are a lot of women like me that have been used, emotionally abused and physically abandoned by there husband or boyfriend. I truly believe in the constitution of marriage and I took my wedding vows very seriously! I could NOT leave my husband no matter what he was putting me through. Thankfully he chose to leave & divorce me to be "free" to do who or whatever he wanted how he wanted. Which is ironic because I did anything he wanted whenever he wanted. The only advice I can give to OP is, "You have to live with whatever choices you make in life. Hopefully you can make happy decisions." Life does not need to be miserable! Let the consequences yell so you don't have to!

Y'all need to go see a counselor. There's a root to this problem as to why he does this even when you try to fulfill his "fantasies"

I'm sorry to hear that. Intimacy is so important in a marriage, without it a marriage can really suffer

poor gal I always ask my gal if she wants round to and sometimes round 3 or 4 Lol. I may get shot down occasionally but hell better to ask than hide.

I don't see a problem in **** but if he's doing it after sex wouldn't that mean he's not satisfied?