By dummy - 22/05/2009 05:12 - Canada

Today, my grandpa took out the family for dinner and paid for everyone. He paid the bill and my family and I were waiting by the door. I realised I probably should thank him for dinner. I turn around without thinking and give him a big hug and say thanks for dinner Grandpa. It wasn't my grandpa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 301
You deserved it 44 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yea we need more info... Was the guy you hugged a creeper? Did he somehow manage to get your number and has left 57 messages asking to continue what you started at the restaurant? Did he follow to your car and stare as you drove away? Did he cop a feel before releasing you? DETAILS PEOPLE

thats awesome..but really hugging a stranger is not an FML..unless he was feeling you up of course.


lmfao!!!! i did this twice before... so awkward

xoxolovemexoxo 0

33 I have done it before too

Who doesn't enjoy a free hug? Hopefully he checked for his wallet after you. Seems like you robbed your grandpa and you were looking for a new victim.

HEYbitch_fml 0

Not an FML unless the thing you turned around and hugged was an angry velociraptor or something

blue16 0

#18 is right, nobody would come to this site if it just depressed them. People need to chill, it doesn't matter if the FML isn't horrible and life-altering, I don't even care if the FMLs are fake or not, as long as they're amusing.

HAHA! Today my friend was singing this song and I turned around to finish what she was singing and turns out she left and I ended up singing to some random kid in my class :D kinda the same, right? LOL, I love doing embarrassing things in front of strangers.

dashaka 0

For the record, anyone can write whatever the hell they want as long as they think its an FML. Didn't your mamma ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it all? And you know what all you little annoying jacks, you have no right to disrespect anyone else. You don't know the person and you don't know anything about their story other than what they are allowed to write which is limited. NUMBERS: 17, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30, and 32 don't bother commenting if its hurtful or irrelevant to the story. Get a life! Your life is ******! If your self esteem is so low that you take some sick and twisted pleasure in bashing other people, then seek psychiatric help. Word

vag_fml 0

BIG DEAL. was hitler who you hugged or something? who gives a crap with these boring stories.

Hahaha, I've done that, but when I hug it's more like an attack so I terrify strangers with my hugs.