By Anonymous - 10/09/2014 03:16 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my girlfriend went shopping at Victoria's Secret with me. While she was in the fitting room, her parents walked by and saw me. They don't approve of the store, so I panicked and told them I was considering becoming a woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 608
You deserved it 14 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Out of all the things you could've said, that's probably the most fabulous! I hope they took it as a joke OP, that's hilarious :-)


msamberjade 27

I think he means he was out in the store part while she was in the fitting room, and they walked by outside the store and saw him. Just how I interpreted it.


It would've been easier if you had said that a friend of yours works there and that they needed a ride home.

1: How old are you two? If you both are over the age of 18. What her parents do and don't approve of is not your guys problem, you guys are adults. 2: If you guys are under 18. What in the hell are you guys thinking. You best be respecting her parents if she's under age and living under their roof.

I kind of agree, but I just don't understand how shopping in Victoria's Secret is disrespectful. We need underwear, and it is a place to buy nice underwear. I get that her parents "disapprove" and all but to be honest if I was, say, 17 and my parents told me they disapproved of me going to victoria's secret, I'd probably go anyway. It's literally just a place to buy pretty underwear. I think if her parents really care that much, they're overreacting.

Why not say you where buying your cousin perfume for her bday? They do sell other things.

that was the most hilarious response EVER. almost as good as Rachel Greene from friends said to Josh's parents. brilliant, please tell me other customers overheard you too

Tawnkat 13

That may have been the dumbest thing you could have said to them...

Lol... u know her moms gonna be saying "**** ME FASTER HARDER" in bed.. but yet they dont approve of the store? hypocrits i tell u dont act like its not true... With that being said i dont think its wrong to be sexy... like wtf women are super macadelic ..i love females with a passion