By zzarzzur - 22/05/2015 06:55 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my girlfriend of a week showed me her talent: shooting milk out of her vagina across the room. Goodbye dairy products. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 940
You deserved it 4 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I often wonder how people discover such talents. I suspect far too much free time...


Attacksloth 33

Imagine down the road if she gets pregnant. "HONEY, DON'T HAVE A COW!"

others seem not to. but i find humor in this comment

bsums203 13

Just imagine how kinky you guys can get. You are a very Lucky man.

I can never look at milk the same way now...

kewpiesuicide 29

People are into the craziest things. In the grand scheme of things, shooting milk out of her cha-cha isn't really a big deal (besides a few health concerns). She may have overshared but maybe she thought that you would find it sexy. Squirting is a very common fetish and she found an interesting way to simulate it.

That's gonna call for a major yeast infection!!!

Yeah, it honestly doesn't sound healthy at all!

Personally I think a week in that's a bit too quick...maybe toning it down wouldn't be a too bad idea...

bnbhimp 10

Don't give her a creampie. I suspect it's hard to clean off the ceiling.

Be happy, plenty of people will pay to see something similar... Like in Thailand.

I'm curious how this conversation happened; "you like that? I'll show you something you'll love if you get me some milk and a turkey baster~"