By GirlishMan1883897 - 24/07/2010 10:53 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me because she said I was more of a woman than she was. I yelled out, "I HATE YOU!" and started to cry. She then took a tampon out of her purse, handed it to me, laughed, and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 127
You deserved it 74 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lindsaykae 0

hahahahahahahhaha man periods.

Emotions suck sometimes, especially when you can't control them. FYL but I understand your pain.


lol @ 4. did she wipe your tears with a pad? man up.

Date a butch lesbo. Or just find a woman that's right for you. Lots of women are into girly men.

I like your thought process here, but the Lesbo part might disqualify him. Unless it's Gina from 40 yr. old virgin. "You know tuck your sack back. Ya game?"

its his EX- girlfriend I don't know if its ignorance or just stupidity.

kariabernathy 0
MizzCaramelle 1

this is one of the funniest FMLs I've read in a while. thankk you for the chuckle :D

you are still wet behind your are cursed to live with your mother...

Ashes628 0

awwww I feel so sad for you. :(