By evecamp - 10/02/2010 05:09 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 11 months told me that she's been faking her orgasms the whole time. Just to make me "proud" of myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 094
You deserved it 5 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A girl who thinks about feelings of people other than herself is pretty rare.. So, what's your problem?

Practice makes perfect, but maybe you need some help. Ask her what she needs you to do do so you may give her a skull crushing orgasim. Then get in in there and destroy that uterus!


How exactly did that come up in conversation? If she randomly said it, she's weirder than this implies. If she said it to dig you, you're probably breaking up anyway. Don't sweat it.

viciousgrin 5

Women may fake orgasms, but men can fake love. What's up OP?

Elijah69 0

Whatcha gotta do is go full fist, punch the cervix and rub the gspot raw like sandpaper.

Ask her what you could do to make it more pleasurable for her.

I don't get why girls do that. I never faked it and have great sex with my boyfriend. Just be honest..