By Anonymous - 28/12/2013 20:07 - France - Sardieu

Today, my girlfriend informed me that our relationship is an open one. This was only after I was told that when she was "stuck in traffic" two days ago, she was actually playing the triple-X version of Twister in my "best friend's" bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 083
You deserved it 3 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It seems so hard to find anyone faithful these days. People suck.

etoilenuit 15

Inform her that she is now single.


Wow ... I thought people agreed on that sort of arrangement *before* being serious? Oh, and BOTH people have to agree to it. Not a great way to go about things; you'd be right to get rid of her.

Who are these people who call "Surprise! Open relationship!" when they're caught cheating? Is it a common thing? Do they honestly think the other person is going to buy it? "Yes honey, we're in an open relationship. You were meant to figure this out through your psychic powers, except I'm the only one allowed to sleep with other people. Especially people close to you. Also, I'm much more of an STD risk than you thought I was, having told you nothing about the above, so you might want to get checked." Sorry OP - she either thought you were that gullible, or she's an idiot. Either way, neither she or the "friend" are worth your time. Walk away.

I didn't know that dogs could play twister...

crazydave1998 6

why is it always with the friend??wtf??

I this point I believe it's perfectly justified for a guy to sucker punch a girl in the face. But that's just me.

VSVP_fml 6
Chaith 16

Stuck in traffic? That's such a 'guy' kind of excuse. I find many women are usually smarter than that if they don't want you to find something out.

funturtle23 6
TheyCallMeDamien 17

Stuck in traffic sounds like a metaphor for a gangbang.