By Anonymous - 29/08/2013 18:12 - United States - Mount Clemens

Today, my girlfriend freaked out, thinking she might be pregnant due to her period being late. I found myself reminding her that one actually has to have had sex recently to become pregnant. We've been living together, sexless, for over a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 763
You deserved it 6 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you talked to her about your needs in the relationship rather than venting on fml

Hopefully her period is just late. If she is indeed pregnant, and you two haven't had sex in a year... she has some serious explaining to do. Chin up, OP. Hopefully it is just a minor scare. PS: Put some Marvin Gaye playing and fix that sexless relationship. xD


If she freaked out maybe she's having sex, just not with you...

so she's either cheating or really stupid. lucky you.

I thought everyone was educated in this fact

Poetaster 10

Um... She can still get pregnant. Just not from you perhaps?

reymon8823 24

Sucks to be you but maybe she's guttering it else where

buddy take the hint you're sexless cause she's ******* someone else.. which is why worried she might be preggers its kinda a busted when your gf is preg and youre not gettin any

ebing15 1

I decided whether your girlfriend stupid or a *****

I'm not sure I've ever thought somebody's life sucked on here more than yours, dude.

thatgirlincali 13

girl code can explain this lol. If she really isn't pregnant but if she is.. Then she has some explaining to do.

She's either stupid or cheating... Neither of are good.... Lol