By yankeeboy123 - 12/01/2015 05:03 - United States - Pompano Beach

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. Her reason? Not enough guys have been liking her photos on Instagram since we started dating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 640
You deserved it 3 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that's pretty shallow of her. I'd imagine if she's that concerned with other guys while you were dating she would not have been the most loyal girl, you likely are lucky to be free of her.

what a self absorbed bi*ch, be happy you guys are broke up op


Probably because of how emotionally ugly she's grown.

go back and unlike all her pictures and report her account

wow. this is what social media does to relationships. Jesus takes the wheel.

That's a really sorry excuse to break up with some one. You're better off without her.

*whew* Bullet avoided. Now you can find someone to date who's not a total shallow narcissist.

dacooliest 16

There needs to be a "You're better off" button....

_Dirty_Dan_ 11

Damn.. **** that hoe for that one. That shit was childish

That is the most fakest thing i ever heard as an excuse sorry but this is really rediculious i mean cmon this is NUTS yiu love him? Who cares about the rest ? You're his and he's yours and nothing would change that if it's true .