By Hotsauce887 - 29/03/2009 21:08 - United States

Today, my friend told the cute waiter it was my birthday. He brought out a dessert with a candle and put a huge sombrero on my head. Everyone at the restaurant started singing me happy birthday. I got embarrassed and put my head down. My sombrero caught on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 247
You deserved it 25 650

Same thing different taste

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I look forward to hearing about your Darwin Award.


musicloverr 0
MukyDaCookie 0

Ahahah! Was it really your birthday? Me and my friends alway do that, i've never heard of a sombrero though xD ah well, maybe he thought it was cute?

That sucks :( At least you learned something: sombreros are flammable. T_T;

haha that sucks. I HATE it when people do that. I would have got up and left:P

Hotsauce887 0

Hahahah, I wish I would have!!! And thanks for all the people making fun of me, sheesh. and NO it was not even my birthday damnit. PS it was at Chevy's, so thats why they brought out a sombrero

Metal1209 0

Well that's a great way to get a humiliating birthday fired up!

cookieinc 0

LOL thats funny u shouldnt be embarrassed if its ur bday :P

helen__fml 0

happy not birthday (after she already said it wasn't) god, learn to read people.