By Hotsauce887 - 29/03/2009 21:08 - United States

Today, my friend told the cute waiter it was my birthday. He brought out a dessert with a candle and put a huge sombrero on my head. Everyone at the restaurant started singing me happy birthday. I got embarrassed and put my head down. My sombrero caught on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 247
You deserved it 25 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I look forward to hearing about your Darwin Award.


well_this_sucks 0
livelaughlovinit 0

hahaha omg that is so effing funny.

xThatRandomGirlx 0

Something like this happened to my mom. It was during her sixteenth birthday. She was wearing fake eyelashes and had in some hair products, plus the candles on her cake her the types that didn't go out easily. When she leaned in to blow out her candles, her eyelashes and hair caught fire. Happy Birthday, though! Hope the rest of it went well.

xThatRandomGirlx 0
Hotsauce887 0

haha yesss this was at Chevy's! And that eye lash story is hillarious, that would have been TEN times worse!!!

effmalife 0

i actually LAUGHED out loud at that

Tick_fml 0

Aww, poor chick... No seriously, that really sucks, i can see how that would be a complete accident.