By fuckingbeliebers - 04/08/2012 17:15 - United States - Gorham

Today, my friend and I were discussing music bands, and I asked who her favorite Queen member is. She looked at me like I was from another world and said, "I don't have a favorite British queen. That's like, so weird." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 038
You deserved it 3 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

It sucks kids these days don't know classic bands.

SW500 13

Nice username, I feel the same way. And Freddie Mercury had an awesome voice.


Can.....anybody.... Find this guy.....somebody tooooooo looovvveeee?

wubbazugg 5

*twitch* game over.. *click* *BOOM*

jayfreeman80 0

OMG the person had to be incredibly sheltered or mentally retarded. Who the **** regardless of age doesn't know Queen? you need more enlightened friends!!!!!

Miranda Richardson (blackadder) is the best Queen. :P This fml has reminded me of my 4th year chemistry class. One day we all got really bored and started singing Bohemian Rhapsody in unison until the teacher walked out.

jazzmancarron 11

yea, that blows having to listen to someone who has no idea who the classics are. i blame it on teeny bopper music.

Vacant 7

The belief or feel that you're somehow superior because of your music tastes is just plain ridiculous. People like different things, and whether you think what they like is bad or not doesn't mean you should curse them for it. It's just obnoxious and makes you look like a big-headed jackass. Just share and/or educate them about your interests and just enjoy the differences in other people. Get off your high horse, you're not impressing anyone.

How does she not know who Queen is? What is happening to the youth of America!

Justin Bieber and One Direction, that's what.

What the **** come on now everyone knows freddy mercury

IThinkItsAlright 7

How is this an fml??? It's just a "your friend doesn't know the same bands as you" a yfdktsbay