By Anonymous - 03/06/2011 23:16 - United States

Today, my fiancé nervously sat me down for a "serious chat". The chat wound up with him asking if we could postpone our wedding, because his World of Warcraft guild had a raid scheduled for the same day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 920
You deserved it 10 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idonebeenhad 17

as far as I know, there is NOTHING in wow worth postponing a wedding for. Even if it was a world first deathwing. Yes, I'm a nerd Life>wow

Rico_Mal1116 0

Why would someone do that..? There is a time for fun and games and a time for life..


ViciousFoxes 0

Why do people marry these nerds? I'm glad my man has a life and lives in the real world, not some fantasy world.

so what your saying if someone like an actor everyone really likes and is cool played wow is automatically a nerd? just because they play it doesn't mean they dress up and think that it's real

as a matter of fact no one dresses up and does that,

I don't see the problem here tbh. You must've known he was a WoW player before getting engaged, so why are you complaining? You think he'll change as soon as you marry him? lol Don't flatter yourself. And the other women that're talking about putting hammers through his monitor and stuff. What selfish bitches you are, you're going to deny him a hobby that he finds fun while I bet you complain if he doesn't want to go shopping with you. Grow up and have some respect for other peoples hobbies. I do agree that asking to postpone the wedding is a bit extreme and give the rest of us WoW players a bad name, but YDI since you must've known he plays. I can't understand why some people are calling him a loser either, it's a hobby that people spend their free time playing. Maybe you should make an account and play WoW with him, try compromising and see what he finds so addictive about it. Try to understand it rather than bitch and whine on the internet. But if you don't want to put any time or effort into understanding your finacé and the things he enjoys, then not only are you a selfish bitch, but maybe you're the one that doesn't deserve him. And if you really don't like it that much, leave. Any way I look at this scenario, all I see is YDI. /endrant

Obviously she was aware he had this hobby, but the problem here isn't that he plays the game, it's the outragious request that's the problem. Everyone has a hobby they really enjoy but to ask to postpone the wedding for it shows how little they really want to have the wedding. Just because she knew he plays the game doesn't mean she deserves it at all. If you were marrying someone who always enjoys biking should you really expect them to say they want to pospone the wedding because there's a race happening the same day? It doesn't matter what the hobby is honestly, either way it's rather selfish and inconsiderate. I do agree that smashing the computer is a bit extreme but she definately needs to sit him down and make him realize how choosing a computer game over marrying her is hurtful. Also, saying that she should try to play the game to understand why he enjoys it so much would not fix this problem...for all you know she does play, or has before. The OP could also be addicted to the game, but is still able to see that it's not more important than the real people in their life. I bet she's actually pretty understanding when it comes to him playing this game because someone willing to put off a wedding for it would easily put off less important matters to play the game instead...I'm sure this isn't the first thing he's tried to miss for the game.

Colubroidea 1

So...wait. You're saying that because he plays WoW, she "should have known" that he would want to postpone (re: cancel and reschedule) a very expensive, planning-intensive, major life event? And you say that HE'S the one giving WoW players a bad name? Uh...okay. You might want to check what YOU'RE implying about WoW players... "'s a hobby that people spend their free time playing." It's unfortunate that wedding day =/= free time. And 178 is right. It has nothing to do with him playing WoW. It has to do with the fact that he made a completely idiotic and borderline impossible request.

Heliol 8

You do realize it wasn't the OP that smashed a computer with a hammer, right?

Dump the dumbass fanboy. Like cold turkey. I play MMOG's; but I can distinguish from gaming and real life. Apparently he can't. Dump the bastard. You are too good to date such a bag of crap.

ViciousFoxes 0

Real world and woman who loves you and has sex with you > fantasy world and nerdy friends who don't love you or have sex with you.

Yes indeed, cause sex is the be all and end all of life. It's possible to have fun doing something non-sexual. You actually find some good quality guys on WoW /cough

Heliol 8

167 - And yet having someone in real life who cares for you and is willing to spend their life with you is not worth giving up a game? I agree that sex shouldn't be the main component of a relationship but you can't deny that it's important. And if his real life needs him why should he put his game before it and expect for the real life to stop and stay great only when he wants? It sounds like he thinks real life is the one with a pause/quit button and world of warcraft is the one that keeps him conscious.

Lol, tell him RL > WoW Oh, and just because someone plays WoW doesn't mean they're a loser, everyone else...

just to clarify, I'd drop plans with a friend to go drink beers over a raid, not the day I make the rest of my life with someone I love official. Any decent raiding guild should be able to accommodate him not being there.

I got 2 words for you...Gang and Bang...;)