By Carebeareatu - 21/07/2013 13:26 - United States

Today, my fiancé confronted me about our wedding arrangements. Apparently, if he's not allowed to wear a duct-tape tuxedo and have a Jesus impersonator as his best man, the wedding is off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 932
You deserved it 8 269

Carebeareatu tells us more.

Hey guys, OP here. I agreed to the Jesus as the best man but not the tux. No, I'm not going to dump him or call the wedding off because of his ideas, since it isn't just the woman's day but his too. It isn't too terrible to have have a little spunk at Our wedding ;P

Top comments

Varieus 30

I believe that weddings are all about the joining of two people, not just females.


That's not cool at all. I hope you guys get this sorted out .

Someone's trying to run and doesn't want to admit it. Especially if this type of behavior is new. If not, then you..... wait, there's a button for that.

Just propose something crazier for yourself that you know he'll disagree with and then you can reach an agreement

that dosn't seem too bad, it would be funny

Just curious does anyone ever text message you?

Don't see why you're being rude to him. Some people try to do things to set their webbing apart from others.

83--what are you talking about? Who is being rude? I believe it's wedding not webbing.

Sorry about the typo and from the context of you question it seemed to be rude.

CharresBarkrey 15

93 - 28 put their phone number in their profile info and asked for people to text him. That's where that question came from.

How is that being rude? I read his profile and he has his phone number listed so I was curious if people from flm text him.

I didn't know about the profile. And the way I thought it was rude at first is because I've seen people say that at a way to mean someone has no friends. Sorry for assuming.

MartiOan 8

You must admit that turning water into wine would be pretty amazing, even when it's just a trick. The tuxedo might backfire at the wedding night though...

Save yourself OP before your next FML is about your whack job husband.

TaniasaysFMLL 15

Maybe you're better off with the wedding being cancelled. Hopefully he'll come around. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how your wedding was, because you just married the person you love!

perdix 29

It seems like you don't know your fiancé very well. You should postpone the wedding until you decide whether you can live with his zany sense of humor.

I've lived with his humour for many years now and I'm not going to call it quits over something like this :P Not like he's going to be dressed in duct tape and have "Jesus" follow him around for the rest of his life or anything. its just one day.

You should let him do it just for that one day. How many people you know can say their husband did that?

Let him do it and then make up some ridiculous request as well. Like wearing one of those fruit hats and have a male stripper pop out of your tampon shaped cake.

It doesn't sound like he wants to marry you that bad I he'd call it off just for that..