By Anonymous - 11/04/2014 20:07 - Switzerland

Today, my father took me out for some driving lessons. Out of nowhere, a huge, apparently suicidal bird dove into the windshield, putting a crack in it. My father yelled at me as if it was my fault, and is demanding I pay for the repairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 134
You deserved it 3 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Indianboy9321 25

Your dad is just trying to save face because there really is no one to blame for it. Try and explain to him it isn't your fault, otherwise you would have gladly paid. Don't flip him the bird though.


your dad is stupid. your obviously not of age if ur LEARNING to drive... he shouldn't even remotely expect an ounce of hope youll chip in for the repair. ill teach a 10 yr old how to ride a bike then charge him for damages when he falls... right -____-

how huge was this bird exactly? because this is the first time i hear about bird actually cracking windsheeld :/

That sucks. The same thing happened to me 10 minutes after I drove my BRAND NEW car off the lot.

What a Douche Bag..... Father of the year award candidate

Part of the privilege of driving is paying for repairs. It's not your fault, but things happen when you're on the road

did someone not tell you that you're the star of the birds remake?