By frownyface - 14/01/2012 17:32 - United States

Today, my family and I were burning our Christmas tree. For a laugh, my dad jokingly pushed me toward the fire. I tripped, and my doctor says the burns are probably going to scar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 601
You deserved it 3 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should jokingly push him in a frozen lake...


I never knew that the Christmas tradition involved BURNING your tree.

Burning your Christmas tree? You Scrooge! :p That's so uncool though, what your father did. Sue him! Oh, and try a fake Christmas tree - you can take it down and put it up whenever you want, don't have to water it, and don't have to worry about sap and pine needles all over the floor. Plus, instead of burning it, you can box it up for next year and save a bundle. ;)

How many times you been called Freddy Krugar........ Fred.

I honestly don't know what funnier the fact that your own father tried to take you out Or the fact that you thought he was joking.

Fill his stockings with bars of soap and beat him with it while he's asleep

Ur dads a ****** idiot. Sorry bout the scaring OP :(

fatty_mcfathead 0

Awh:( FML. FML for your dad too though-I bet he felt terrible

Lisa1993_fml 1