By OhGodKillMeNow - 26/12/2009 11:42 - United Kingdom

Today, my family and I are driving down to France and it's going to take 4 hours. If that wasn't bad enough, my mum decides that she is going to listen to the CD my sister bought her for Christmas on repeat for the whole journey. It's Lady Gaga. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 025
You deserved it 9 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lady gaga is AMAZING. feel priviledged ;) although If you hate her so much, FYL

the_stereotype 0

i really have on opinion on lady gaga, but i feel like the whole purpose of the fml was just to rag on lady gaga. honestly, nobody cares who the OP likes or dislikes, so stop begging for attention. also, you can use an ipod, cd player, whatever to block out the noise and listen to whatever you want. so yeah...get over it.


lady gaga is great for Christmas! since she dresses like a Christmas tree all the time

sucks to be you. :( lady gaga's crap gets stuck in your head for hours.... unlike the rest of the world I hate her music.

skyeyez9 24

if you dont have an ipod or at the very least, ear plugs...that truly sucks. 4 hours of listening to music you hate feels more like 14hrs.

You have obviously never lived in North America. Try driving from BC to Ontario in three days (12-16 hours of driving a day), while listening to the Eragon series.

OnTheSaneSide 0

It sucks your listening to music you don't like, but at least you are with your families and are going to France. But I like Lady Gaga a lot so maybe I can't sense the depth of your hatred =)

mlsuaarez 0

so? lady gaga is amazing. and if anything, go to sleep or something hahaa

lolsan 0

Oh I feel for you. I'm so sorry.

I hate lady gaga too she sounds awful but she did have a few good songs

I would be willing to sit in a car and listen to GaGa for 4 hours in order to go to France, but I'm a total Francophile. That said, I can sit in a plane or two for, like, 11 hours and be in France *sans* GaGa. I'd rather do it that way. :D OP, you have my sympathies, though, because I find her music to be really, extremely annoying, and being that you live in Europe already, France is not the magical journey for you that it seems to the rest of us. Totes worth the noise, IMO, though.