By OhGodKillMeNow - 26/12/2009 11:42 - United Kingdom

Today, my family and I are driving down to France and it's going to take 4 hours. If that wasn't bad enough, my mum decides that she is going to listen to the CD my sister bought her for Christmas on repeat for the whole journey. It's Lady Gaga. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 025
You deserved it 9 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lady gaga is AMAZING. feel priviledged ;) although If you hate her so much, FYL

the_stereotype 0

i really have on opinion on lady gaga, but i feel like the whole purpose of the fml was just to rag on lady gaga. honestly, nobody cares who the OP likes or dislikes, so stop begging for attention. also, you can use an ipod, cd player, whatever to block out the noise and listen to whatever you want. so yeah...get over it.


Hey, there's a funny site like FML but where visitors can tell their darkest secrets! It's :)

gatorcheer 0

OH NO! POOR YOU! YOUR GOING TO FRANCE! **** you, i could only dream of going to such a place. Spoilt bitch.

Yeah, it takes a few hours and less than £50 to go to France from England? Really not that major, she's not spoilt.

Im just saying, she shouldnt be complaining when 10% of the world has 90% of the money. She's OBVIOUSLY in that 10%. And so am i. BUT i dont complain when i go on vacations, im thankful. And if she really did hate lady gaga that much, she would throw out that ******* Cd, or she would ask her family to change it. If not, suck it up, lifes though. deal with it. That is all :)

boatkicker 4

Suffering is relative to what your personal experiences have been. I took someone off the street who was half starved, and put them in the house I grew up in (leaky, drafty, loud, drunken mother, sbusive step father, raising my two infant sisters from teh time I was 9) they would probably be grateful that at least there was always food in the house, but does that make that a great life? No. It's not horrible, and yes there are people who have it a lot worse than I did, but it sucked. And I'm sure if you put someone who had grown up in a happy moderately wealthy family into my house, they would have suffered a lot more than I did. There will always be someone more worse off, but that doesn't mean your problems aren't actual problems for you. For me, the only problem at the time was trying to take care of my sisters. Now if I were put back in that same place the leaks, drafts, and constant fighting would bother me. At the time I just accepted it as the way things were supposed to be.

You sound like a spoiled rotten kid for throwing in there that you're also part of that 10%. didn't have to to make your point, but you did just so everyone knows. Wowwwww

LaLaJoy 2

Yeah, it's definitely relative. Some could point out that since you're in the "top 10%" of the world's wealthiest, you really don't need to be complaining about what people submit to

PinkFloyd1977 0

Don't worry. The rich aren't going to be rich much longer. Oh, and mat... Nevermind. I'm not even going to get into the stupidity of this argument. Again, good points shewhokickstheboats.

lifessuckss 0

lol don't talk. i had to sit for 11 hours listening to clasical music (not that it isn't good or anything, but i mean after a while, enough is enough) my friends and i call her lady gag ever since we watched some of her music videos

I am so, so, so sorry for you, OP. I would have to shoot myself crossing the border if my parents ever tried taking me to France. It really sucks, because I really wanna take the Chunnel, but that means that my feet would have to touch French soil, breathe in French air, and my carefree spirit would be tainted by those Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys, yet again. The fact that you are going to France IS bad enough, but you have to listen to the GaGa on the way... I am, once again, very sorry. My only advice is that you look at your mom and poke her face, and claim that the music made you do it... That excuse always works in the States, at least.

Why, thank you... I have extreme Francophobia. Those cheese eating bastards just piss me off. I've only ever met one that I liked, and he had lived in Brazil for 15 years before I met him, so he was bearable...

LaLaJoy 2

Bigots like you are what's wrong with the world. NOT the entire country of France.

So what's your point? it's not so major, so why is she complaining on the internet? She obviously is only looking for attention, and right now shes getting some.

um, so? my boyfriend drives 30 hours to see me without complaining, and both lady gaga and france are lovely. they need a "stop complaining and put your big girl pants on" option to click for this.

Shadow_Phantom 26

It's basically a "I was stuck in a car for an extended amount of time being forced to listen to horrible music repeatedly." I wouldn't say "FYL" to it, but that does really suck.

LaLaJoy 2

Oh have a cry... a 4 hour cartrip?? In Australia, if I want to visit my family at the other end of our STATE, it's a two day drive, driving 7-8 hours a day. And I'm sure that once the CD has gone through once (despite what your mother says now), she'd allow someone to put another CD on.

lady gaga is amazing you deserve it and you cant say you life sucks unless you hate her, your life sucks because you have a GaGaless life

Shadow_Phantom 26