By Anonymous - 16/08/2016 16:10 - United States - Richmond

Today, my ex-husband introduced our daughter to her "new mommy". That's the third time this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 176
You deserved it 1 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to tell him to get a grip. It isn't fair on you not your daughter. How will he like it if you introduced your daughter to various men and saying 'this your new daddy?'

You should definitely set some ground rules. Like he has to date her at least "x" amount of time before she meets your daughter.


ashyash90 8

Jeez when I was young my mother never even let me meet her boyfriends unless things got serious so I wouldn't get attached. Time for you to sit down and give your ex-husband a talk about boundaries and doing what's right for your daughter.

mcruff 12

When she has a "new daddy" later on in life he will blame himself

That poor little girl. She must be so devastated when her "new mommy" disappears. It must also be really confusing because she already has a mother and afraid her biological mother is being replaced.

Idontevenknowwhattoput 4

How dare he call them her "new mommy?!" Even if it was a woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with, YOU and YOU ALONE are and will always be her mom. Time to have a long talk with him.