By nothanks - 01/05/2011 14:30 - United States

Today, my elderly father-in-law grabbed my breasts in the pool at a family gathering. I'd let it go as an accident if this wasn't the 4th time it happened today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 952
You deserved it 5 484

Same thing different taste


mikede420 0

I would have to see these **** before making a

Grab him by the nuts fast. twist those old man balls like you're juicing a lemon... GO HARD and SQUEEZE! and yell: "touch my **** again motherf&$:;r and these marbles of yours are gone for Fu;:king ever, you dirty, dirty old man! then slap him across the face and follow it up with a backhanded fist. then spit on him.

YouReallyDeserve_fml 0

212, its still true ;) &220 knows whats up

JessGivsBesitos 5

honestly ur jus letting him so he's jus gonna keep going for it!

haleyjoee 0

I I would have had a moment of insanity.

tittymagic 0

Osama bin laden is dead!!!!!

birds_fml 7

Scream loud enough for everyone to hear "STOP GRABBING MY ****!"