By slightlyfamous - 17/01/2016 13:59 - Canada - Port-menier

Today, my dick of a roommate was moving out. She didn't actually tell us she was moving out and took the wifi, modem and all, while my other roommate was on a Skype call and I was watching a show. All with no warning. It's Saturday, I have an online assignment due Sunday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 873
You deserved it 2 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you can go to your local library or somewhere else with free wifi and send it there? And yeah, your roommate doesn't sound like a very nice person. Even though it came with this unpleasant consequence, be glad you're shot of her (hopefully).

I hope she was at least paying for the wifi didn't just steal it.


pandainspandex 19

That sounds more like robbing you than moving out, unless it was her stuff in the first place.

Who's the legal signer on the agreement with the internet company? You might be able to sue her.

I'd try calling the cops for theft first :P.

Took the wifi? Like, actually put a bunch of wireless signals into her pocket and somehow left with them? That's impressive! I'd be too amazed to be mad.

Don't be a smartass. She took the wifi modem of course...

All she did was take the modem and the router (or the modem/router unit). Easy to replace, unless the device was provided by the ISP. Then the remaining people would be in trouble.

Goblin182 26

There are so many places with free WiFi these days. Head to your local Starbucks or McDonalds, maybe a local bar. Oh, and your roommate is a dick, even if the service was in her name.

And your other roommate didn't notice Skype connection is gone and just continued talking?

If she wasn't paying for it sue. If she was she should've given a warning.

bad_boyfriend 10

Go to Starbucks, this isn't even FML worthy

Well maybe if you had an assignment due you should've been working on instead of watching a show and you want to be so far behind.

Interesting how you jump to the conclusion that OP was procrastinating. For all we know the assignment was finished and OP was taking some time to clear their head before a final proofreading. Some classes also have set windows for submission times.

Asinger06 1

Maybe you shouldn't have been watching tv, but rather working on your assignment. Sucks she left like she did, but work should be done before you enjoy free time.

leogachi 15

@44 Maybe the work was finished and Op wasn't allowed to submit it yet.

Wow...the simple fact that you think she stole your internet because she took the modem/router when she moved out, earns you a solid YOU DESERVE IT vote! Those things connect your devices to the internet. If you go to the store and buy one yourself, you'll get your internet back!

You might need to take reading comprehension 101.