By Noname - 06/03/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, my daughter asked me when was the first time I had sex. After I told her 22 she quickly shouted, "Beat ya!" She's thirteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 702
You deserved it 106

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4tehlulz 0

#60 - I hope that it wasn't with each other. And all of you who are all "SHE R NOT A BAD PARINT LEEF HER ALOAN," you're wrong. If you can't raise your child to understand that sex is serious business (as she obviously didn't, with the whole "Beat ya!") by the age of thirteen (especially for a girl), you've failed as a parent. On a side note, though, she'd be living in the garage, after a harsh beating of course.

It's true #61! I work in the **** industry (Yes, I really do.) and I'm an atheist. Of course, I also didn't have sex until I was 18. I've never *EVER* cheated on anyone. I do not have children. I have responsible safe sex. And the **** industry I'm a part of...if you think about it...also promotes safe sex (via masturbation) and not cheating (because **** isn't cheating to the vast majority of people). And I'm also doing a job I love, doing something almost everyone loves. Sex is great....for adults. It's bad for children because of the situations they put themselves in, and the consequences that can result because they are kids and aren't thinking as an adult should. You don't need religion. You simply need common sense and responsible parenting. And ****. Lots and lots of ****!

vitaminsandminer 0

wowww 61, i know many christian girls who consider themselves to be very close to god who are total ******. i also know many people who are atheist who are very good people and have great morals. religions does not provide morality, its just a scare tactic. this person needs to actually INFORM her daughter not scare her with religious bs

caaarly 0

Although it should be, in reality, 13 isn't that bad.. Still. Sorry.

burdenofaday 0

@#75: I'm pretty sure the teen sex/pregnancy rate is MUCH higher among "Christian" girls than otherwise. Christianity is and has always been little more than a veil of lies for people to hide behind whenever it's convenient. It's not a religion so much as it is a scapegoat and a basic system of excuses to justify hatred and bigotry. @OP: At least now you won't have to waste money sending your daughter to college. The odds of her making something of herself are pretty slim. :P

Why would she tell you a thing like that?! Time to step up and be a parent!!

sondramcfail 0

Parenting fail. SRSLY though, get that kid some condoms or something... sheesh.

#34 Therapy is for suckers. Just talking things out would work MUCH better than having some ass of a therapist moderating.

alex_vik 0

Hey, you raised her. My guess is she's an Athiest since she doesn't seem to have any morals.