By Noname - 06/03/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, my daughter asked me when was the first time I had sex. After I told her 22 she quickly shouted, "Beat ya!" She's thirteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 705
You deserved it 107

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lol #91. if this is true it's sick and sad. parenting fail, society fail, fail all around. personally i'd say... "your daughter is a brat!" :D but that's just my opinion. clearly something went wrong before this. and "when did you first have sex?" is a pretty tactless way of discussing things with a 13-year-old. if it were my daughter and she asked me like that, that's sign #1 that we need to have a talk. a more serious talk. ps- to those who said that at least the daughter is mature enough to talk about it? that's not really a mature way of discussing things. ;D

#136, you obviously have no grasp of reality. most of the negative comments (mine included) are of a satiric nature. Do I actually believe OP is a bad parent? no, I do not. you need to get off your high horse. also, accusing everyone of having mommy/daddy issues because they are a troll (look it up since you obviously don't know what a troll is) makes you look pretty dumb

#23 There are a lot of people who title their name as "noname"! that just means they don't want to put their real name and if you spent your time analyzing that and looking up all the posts by people named "noname" today you have no life. epic fail.

jesus you're old. why are you on FML?

altoidsrgud 0

like father like son, like mother like daughter?

know_your_role 0

sorting things out, it's obvious that this is fake. either this "fml" is a lie, or you lied about when you lost your virginity to your daughter and were around her age as well. anyone who lost their virginity at 22 and had a kid who said that would NOT post it on this site and would raise their kids to NOT have sex that young. however, if you did have sex that young, then it wouldn't be a big deal to you and not worth posting here. the end.

dinopudding 0

if i were you i wouldve bitchslapped her across the face :o lol