By Gem - 11/02/2011 10:59 - Australia

Today, my Dad thought "Joseph" and "Francis" were two people hacking our internet. They are actually the names of my laptop and iPod, which have now been blocked from using our modem. He can't figure out how to unblock them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 561
You deserved it 27 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who the **** would name their iPod/laptops names?

ZoroFresh 0 I won't explain shit to you no matter how easy it is with information so readily available.


AsianCookie247 14

WTF.. apparently Everyone names their electronics.. I just type my name when it asks for one? simple.

what the hell? who puts random names to their electronic devices? YDI!

Angelece 0

wow the last time I did that was when I named my iPod lillypad instead of lillypod and my dad thought it was a virus and deleted all 476 songs on my iPod

This sounds like something my dad would do...I feel sorry for you, OP

b1028music 0

if u dont know how to fix that problem u shouldnt use a computer because ure a jackass :) haha sorry :/

I named my iPod, iPhone and my iPhone, iPod.

what kind of ******* names are those for an ipod and a laptop? hahaha

who the names thier ipod&laptops? lol good job.