By Ihaveaheadache - 09/02/2012 05:37 - United States

Today, my dad put in wall plug-ins that emit high frequencies that are suppose to ward off mice. I must be a mouse, because I can hear the annoying noise in every room I walk into. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 963
You deserved it 2 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh god... It's not like the mosquito ringtone is it? That shit hurts.

Pull them out just enough that they're not actually plugged in and getting power. If you're the only one who can hear the noise no one will know.


I guess they ward off annoying things haha

Time for good ole mouse trap kill method -Mouse traps -Gloves -Garbage bags -Dumpster No more mice.

To give the mouse a prostate exam of course! This comment wasn't supposed to be a response, but a standalone comment.

I hear those kinds of noises, too. I hate people that use Sonic Pet Trainers... It hurts me.

At least it'll keep your house squeaky clean of mice.

perdix 29

Read the package carefully, it says it drives away mice, rats and OTHER annoying, disease-carrying vermin. Maybe if you pitched in and did a few chores around the house, your dad wouldn't need the devices ;)

at least you know you have good hearing. there is a bright side to everything

cunningchick 1

My mom did the same thing and I was the only one in the house that could hear it and they all thought I was crazy,

omg i can hear that aswel at my aunts kills !!!

My husband's work has those and I hate them! Soon you'll lose your ability to hear that frequency though, so the pain won't last forever.

Ashley91129 6

FYL! My old neighbor used to have that and I could hear it all the way from my room, it really hurt my ears!

They are actually designed to ward off teenagers.