By lolomg - 08/09/2011 01:22 - New Zealand

Today, my dad met my fiancé's dad for the first time. My fiancé's dad is a cop. He had arrested my dad for indecent exposure in the past. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 548
You deserved it 3 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments


So they already know each other. No need to break the ice.

leadman1989 15

I'm wondering who broached the subject because it either means ops fiancée's dad is a douche bringing it up in front of everyone. "Hey, remember that time I arrested you? What was it for again? Public indecency hahaha" Or ops dad is an idiot "I know you. You arrested me that time remember? I was shaking my dick at everyone on the 405."

bizarre_ftw 21

Yay for you!!!!! They've already bonded!!!!

you should've said that his daughter likes when you do.

suckstoobeyou 0

Atleast they won't have to get to know each other...

previously caught red handed huh? awwwkward...

spekledworf 18

i'm stuck in the same boat, this is why my boyfirend's parents and mine have yet to meet...

Punkpoptart1119 20

I can't help but laugh at this least he arrested your dad in the least it wasn't recent..