By hypercrite dad - 19/09/2014 18:34 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad found out I recently tried weed. He called me a useless waste of air and grounded me for the rest of the year. Then he went outside and smoked his third cigarette of the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 127
You deserved it 15 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Razi_tail 25

It sounds like your dad is a real gem to be around. Sorry you have to deal with such critics when he isn't much better. :/

Now that's a hypocrite if I have ever seen one cigarettes do worse damage.


You should go out and say when you get lung cancer I'll be sure not to get you your medicinal weed in tincture and treat form of course.

Okay, I'm sorry , but when you're doing something you know is illegal, (I'm assuming) you really can't complain about anything that comes of it because those are the repercussions of your own actions.

Well weed is way different compared to cigarettes...I don't know about the United Kingdom but it's mostly illegal

I have tried it to and my dad didn't mind but I'm not telling my mum she'll go off her head I'm in New Zealand

Not to discount the harmfulness of smoking cigarettes, but in your dads offense, smoking cigarettes if quite a bit different than smoking weed in that it doesn't impair your mental abilities like weed does. Ydi

You can still develop emphysema from smoking weed. Any smoke in your lungs is bad for you and can lead to long term health problems. That's why I quit doing both.

iAmPaul 49

Your dad isn't a hypocrite. He's addicted to smoking cigarettes, but he doesn't want you to smoke marijuana. You can't compare the two in that respect.

well at least smoking cigs is safer in the long run then weed. however as child you really shouldent be doing either until your body fully devlopes. when you are fully grown and hopefully our on your own at 24 you can do whatever filthy deadly habit you want beer weed coke cigs. but untill then his house his rules.

"well at least smoking cigs is safer in the long run then weed" LOL indeed

Cigarettes are legal, maybe that's his logic.