By Anonymous - 30/05/2015 03:51 - Australia

Today, my crackhead neighbour got slightly annoyed at my 2-day-old daughter's late-night wailing. Well, I think so, anyway, as she politely requested us to "SHUT THAT CUNT KID UP." or she would "BLOW BOTH OUR HOUSES UP, YOU FUCKING ASSFUCKS." But I'm not 100% sure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 297
You deserved it 3 085

Same thing different taste


She overreacted, but a baby crying would piss anyone off, so I can't give this a FYL or a YDI. -shrugs-

I wouldn't want to listen to a screaming baby either. That's why I don't have any

I believe that should be your queue to call the cops, OP. FYL.

The ****? Babies cry and plus she's a newborn and they are screamy people. I'd flip so much shit on your neighbor esp for threatening a ******* newborn. ******* ****.

sally_jangl 13

Beat that bitch and tell her to **** off.

Don't walk too close to her plants.

Congratulations on the new baby, regardless. Sucks about your **** neighbor, though.