By wth? - 13/12/2013 15:10 - United Kingdom - Rotherham

Today, my cousin started sending sarcastic love messages to me. I replied, with even cheesier lines. Then she rang me saying she was so glad I felt the same way. Turns out she wasn't being sarcastic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 858
You deserved it 9 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh damn... Time to explain some things OP

Sounds like you guys will have an awkward moment during Christmas parties this year.


VoodooPriestess 16

In my opinion sarcasm never translated well on paper...

Technically cousins are far enough away in the gene pool for it not to be incest. In Victorian era and earlier people often married first cousins and they were fine, it's only really with mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, brothers and sisters that problems arise.

ASBriere 8

If she's a smoke show then go for it dude. Think of the thrill

this FML needs a author comment after Christmas family get together ! :D

Crazy royal traditions started before they figured that the more of the same bloodline you have the more likely you are to have birth defects and deformities. in a world with 7 billion people there is no reason to add to the chances of birth defects, even if its not gross in your culture it is immoral because we know that now.

ViviMage 38

Is she a first cousin? Then that's illegal in my country. But second cousins on are fair game!!

They say that on the inernet nobody can hear you being sarcastic, the same is true for texting.

i've been there OP, trust me it's not an avenue worth pursuing.