By atalose - 06/03/2017 07:00 - United States - North Las Vegas

Today, my college professor said that anyone who misses the final next week automatically fails, "even if their grandmother died." My grandmother, the woman who raised me, died last night and her funeral is next week. Same day as the final. Across the country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 520
You deserved it 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LavenderCrow 12

Talk to the Dean and see if there's something you can't do to either take the final early, or provide proof of death (like a copy of the death certificate) so they know you're not lying and take your final later. Funerals are an important part of the grieving process, so if I were you, I wouldn't miss it. You can always retake the class, you cannot have another funeral. I'm very sorry for your loss, OP.

Ask if you can take it on another day, if he refuses go up the chain.


That is the most screwed up, yet amazing irony I've ever seen.

Samantha Lee Payne 9

Tell that SOB off. Then say you need to give me an extension. And explain. Legally he has to give you one in that case.

Don't miss the funeral for a final. You'll regret it and hate yourself for the rest of your life. I'd go to the Dean about it.

finalyearsofhate 22

Ask to take it beforehand and explain the situation. Most professors are really accommodating when you actually speak up about something. I'm sure they meant if anyone decided to just not show up they'd fail.

I agree you should talk to your professor, showing the obit/death certificate/anything you have to prove that you really are at her funeral. And if that doesn't work, go up the chain of command.

Lost_Hoglet 4

Everyone's advice below is good. Speak to tutors dean etc. I'm in England and our rules are immediate family only sadly. I missed a funeral because It was on our first half of exams. We do exams Jan and may. Hopefully they can accommodate you so you can do both So sorry for your loss - a friend of mine died today

Lost_Hoglet 4

Everyone's advice below is good. Speak to tutors dean etc. I'm in England and our rules are immediate family only sadly. I missed a funeral because It was on our first half of exams. We do exams Jan and may. Hopefully they can accommodate you so you can do both So sorry for your loss - a friend of mine died today

Lost_Hoglet 4

Everyone's advice below is good. Speak to tutors dean etc. I'm in England and our rules are immediate family only sadly. I missed a funeral because It was on our first half of exams. We do exams Jan and may. Hopefully they can accommodate you so you can do both So sorry for your loss - a friend of mine died today

So shes dead she wouldnt know if you went or not

I think the simple act of obtaining a Death Certificate will do it. I needed on for a friend that passed, gOt it from the office of vitals and statistics. good luck, and very sorry for your loss.