By whydoidothis - 03/10/2014 11:29 - United Kingdom

Today, my colleague and I played yet another wonderful game of 'Tapeworm or Toilet Paper?' in the homeless shelter's toilets we were asked to clean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 541
You deserved it 3 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd feel worse for the poor people who have to use these toilets...

Make sure you don't touch the toilet seats with any of your body parts because then you'll be playing 'Herpes or Cold Sore?'


That's disgusting. I wouldn't be able to handle that. You have a great heart op.

Well, it is your choice to work there.

Sounds like even more fun than the "Spot the Hooker" I used to play with my ex.

You and your husband sound fun. To find them, did you drive outside of Walmart at night?

EX husband. And no, ha ha! We would drive through his home neighborhood in the bad part of Philadelphia.

Did he end up sleeping with one of the hookers you two spotted?

thejimler 9

The winner is those that don't play.

Strange game, The only way to win is not to play

This will get boring quick. I suggest,"log, toilet paper, tapeworm." Tapeworm eats log. Log sinks toilet paper. Toilet paper chokes tapeworm. :)

I don't see why the people living there wouldn't be required to clean up there mess but maybe that's just me.

theBadGuy37 9

I don't know why you got downvoted, I was thinking the same thing.

Not a surprise you are down in the dumps.