By Patrick R - 09/06/2011 16:01 - United States

Today, my co-worker finally gave me a check for the money he owes me. In the memo line, he wrote "for swallowing". Now I have to go cash it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 153
You deserved it 6 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments


HA. That's funny. I'm sure the teller won't even bother to read it, and I doubt they'll comment if they do. Just go to a bank you never go to, and you don't have to see them again!

xk75 4

whatever just cross it out and deposit it at the ATM or drive through. lame fml. f your coworker's life for still using a checkbook for anything besides rent.

ThisRandomChild 0

Its even more awkward cause ur a guy O.O

omg_a_BALLOON 0

Was it for swallowing a staple?

anakaren_831 1

I really love when people reference other FMLs :)

MissFukMyLuck 0

what this guy said! go to a male banker. they won't hate, you will be looked upon in admiration

zarden 0

people still write cheques?!

Cheque is the correct spelling of the word, 'check' is a bastardisation of the correct English spelling. if you're thinking of writing that 'bastardisation' should be written as 'bastardization', you'd also be incorrect, 'bastardization' is a bastardisation of 'bastardisation'.

143: You're niggling there. "Check" and the -ize suffix have both gained their legitimacy in the US through common usage. Since this website has an international membership, both are correct here. Language evolves. Deal with it.

In America you elected Bush two terms in a row. Yea, it was THAT stupid that we foreigners can still joke about it. So off with your American ways, ya fruity nutter.

love it. id go cash it and hand him back the cash. 100 points for effort and another 100 for just pure smarts. this made my day OP.

love it. id go cash it and hand him back the cash. 100 points for effort and another 100 for just pure smarts. this made my day OP.