By stuck - 23/03/2015 15:51 - United States - Bridgeview

Today, my boyfriend wrecked our car. Now I can't get to work in order to make the money we need to buy a new one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 590
You deserved it 4 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Insurance? If your boyfriend is driving uninsured or the car is uninsured then YDI. Otherwise there's no need to "work" to fix/get the car's money

Can a coworker or friends give you a ride?


Time to start up the good ol' chevrolegs!

See if you can borrow some money from someone, or find a carpool on Craigslist or something for a little money while you rebuild. As a last resort, time to wear warm clothes and bike/walk to work, and then post a video on YouTube and hope somebody will help you buy a car. This is why you full-coverage-insure things you can't afford to replace. :-(

dragonsea 3

Ever heard of public transportation or walking

If there's no public transport, chances are good it's too far to walk. I really doubt anyone wants to walk 20 miles, work a shift, then walk 20 miles back. When would you sleep?

there is always a way to get to work. bus, taxi, paying a friend for gas

ADBurns 22

Dead beat BF? If so release him from your pain and find a new one or get him driving lessons after he has paid for the new car that he now owes you..

Really.. break up because of that? accidents happen, it could happen to you any time as wel. He owes her a new car? You obviously didn't read the part of "our" car, meaning he owns the car just as much as she does..

what he doesn't have a paying job he wrecked it he fixes it

There's NO OTHER WAY to get to work?? Really? I bet if you try reeeeal hard, you can come up with a way to get to your job.

kellyem2 20

It sounds like you have a joint household since you referred to it as "our" car, but you also don't seem to be mentioning your boyfriend's job or him pitching in to help pay for a new car. That might not be the best combination of things...