By arthise - 09/10/2013 07:03 - United States - Evansville

Today, my boyfriend won a diamond engagement ring through a citywide competition. Instead of proposing to me, he's selling it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 027
You deserved it 17 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_Big_Boss 20

He is not obligated to propose just because he won a ring. Sorry


Just because he won a ring doesn't mean he wants marriage

Good for him, you sound pretty self-absorbed.

what did you expect? if he wanted to marry you be would have bought one.

Maybe he just doesn't want to Mary you. maybe he doesn't believe in marriage or maybe he doesn't love you like you love him. if it bothers you that much talk to him about maybe he is using that money for something else that is more important then some silly ring that he won like a future maybe he is using that money to help buy a house or a car or something more useful then a rock that is going to sit on your finger that may not stay there for as long as you think