By Eva - 13/02/2011 09:32 - France

Today, my boyfriend woke me up by playing with the string of my tampon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 271
You deserved it 6 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess he was trying to play tug-o-war with your ******.


RavenNight 0

there is something wrong with him

youre not spose to sleep with tampons in at night, unless you dont mind risking toxic shock syndrome

youre not. mind you, thats not because sleeping with a tampon itself is dangerous, but because leaving tampons in for an extended period of time is unhealthy. ideally they should be changed every four hours, at longest they should be changed every 8 hours. since the average person sleeps 8 hours straight, you risk toxic shock syndrome by wearing a tampon to bed.

brighteyes81 0

However, if you don't sleep that long or can wake up wearing one to bed is fine. Actually, statistically you're much more likely to get hit by a car, get heart disease or die from almost every other cancer out there.

If you're too lazy to get up and change it when it needs it or within 8 hrs like it says on the box, then you might get TSS but YDI if you're that sorry.

readin_duh 0
DarkestHowler 0

Maybe he thought it was a cat toy. LMAO

linhnguyen 0

yes yes it is disturibin u hot girl

Dear stalker, please stop fapping while typing.

sallen0046 4

So your boyfriend touched the string of your tampon...why is this even remotely life-*******. It's not like he pulled the thing out and twirled it around the room, ruining the sheets and the carpet. There's nothing disgusting about touching a piece of string.

Is there ever an FML where you actually think it's FML worthy? I sure have never seen a comment from you that would suggest that.