By thunder thighs - 11/02/2009 03:11 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was tapping on my thigh to the beat of the music when we were driving to dinner. When I asked him what he was doing he replied, "Just watching the ripples." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 501
You deserved it 6 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I love all the people telling her to lose weight and she deserve it because she's fat. Really? Is it me, or does it seem that we're going back into the 50s where women are being treated lesser than men? ******' people man, need to grow up.

Wow, That's all I can think to say. Guys like that aren't worth it.


#25 ... I hope that was a joke. If not, you need to wake up and and check out a calendar, 'cause it's the 21st Century; so make a sandwich and start folding your laundry.

thinking of the fact that men and woman are supposed to BE ALIKE, doenst mean woman dont have to fold loundry anymore. its the fact that men can ALSO do it. woman just overreact by now trying to take total control and ''showing'' that they can do the same as men, noone needs that proof, it has been prooven. so be alike, and BOTH fold the loundry

I wonder if any of the insulting people realize that even VERY skinny girls can have cellulite on your thighs, arms, legs, etc. Just because she has it doesn't mean she's fat. MOST people have it. Besides, guys need to learn to realize that women are very pressured by the world to look "perfect". Our self-esteem can pretty easily be hurt.

And men are pressured to be successful, out of the house before age 20, a family man, clean-shaven, and muscled. All the hot guys in the movies are always thin, muscled frat/college guys without beards who party on the weekends and have great paying jobs. If the man doesn't have a job, he is a loser. If he has a long/bushy beard, he either homeless are the gross slob. But men don't get to complain about it because 'men always pressure women to be perfect' as if all men think women are a size 2 with perfect skin/hair and personality. Look, women aren't nearly as pressured as everyone seems to think anymore. They pressure themselves because they want the hot guy in the movies to want them

deedee124 0

i'm sorry i had to laugh at this one only b/c it sounds like something i would get told! i hate my legs! i despise wearing shorts even in summertime and i live in louisiana so thts almost the whole year! guys needa come outta their minds of wanting perfect modelsque bods on chicks. they need to learn that our curves are way better than skin and bones! we are so much more comfy to lay on lol!!

maybe your boyfriend is a douche, but I think that more probably he is really cool. He doesn't mind your weight, he might actually think good of it. and as #40 says, curvy ladies are much more comfy! ( I am a guy BTW)

christopherlove 0

How is it the guy's fault that you're so insecure?

Well everyones legs ripple. My cousins' do, and she barely weighs 90 lbs. Only reason I put your life is ****** is because your boyfriend is watching your thighs instead of the road. Dumbass.

Flesh ripples. Get over it. I'm tiny as shit and I can make my thighs do that.

pdadancer 0

Everyone has fat on their thighs! Don't take it offensively.