By Anonymous - 09/12/2013 22:41 - United States - Lihue

Today, my boyfriend told me I'm beautiful. Before I could thank him, he continued, "Too bad it takes a shit-load of makeup." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 774
You deserved it 7 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoa! You don't have to put up with an arsehole like that. Next time look at his crotch. And squint.

When you got it, you got it. When you don't, you're you.


ZY1431 24

yea he's wins the best bf in the world award. I'd drop him like a bad habit and get your groove back

TYes #19, best comment. That's definitely what you should say. I know for a fact I'm probably only half as pretty w/o my makeup and honestly I've never met a girl who didn't look better with their makeup, but my bf thinks I'm pretty without it or he wouldn't be with me. You should ditch that guy.

SuperMew 22

That's really sad, the way your phrased that. I understand attraction is important, but if the only reason a guy is with you is because of your looks... then you really need to rethink your relationship.

RedPillSucks 31

She's just saying her bf thinks she's pretty without makeup. Not that her being pretty is the only reason he's with her. Now to be honest, there are lots of shallow guys out there who are only in it for the eye candy and lots of desperate girls who let them get away with crap like that.

Your boyfriend is a dick! He should accept your natural beauty OP.

Ever considered your bf is simply just telling the truth?? So your ugly, not all is lost. You can make up for it in other areas!

Beepbeep7 14

A shitload of makeup is just false advertisement.

What a dickface. You don't need to take that OP!

It sounds like he doesn't know how compliments work

Well, you know....looks actually do matter. I'm not, at all, saying that OPs boyfriend was right. He's a dick for being so insensitive, but maybe OPs "natural beauty" isn't so....beautiful. She should've slapped him in the face for the insult though. Don't bend to the harshness of his insults, OP. Instead, find a nice balance, a tasteful application of cosmetics that compliments your look. :D

To which your answer is, "Would you like to borrow some? I don't think I have enough for a miracle, but you could give it a shot."