By sexual parrot - 21/04/2014 18:42

Today, my boyfriend's parents' parrot won't stop imitating my sex moans, and keeps doing it whenever I speak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 636
You deserved it 16 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quit doing it with the parrot in the room, or don't be so damn loud.

dimerneckel 22

Start making other noises when it tries to speak! That'll show that pesky parrot.


Well, I would recommend keeping quiet, then...

A moaning parrot. I'd love to hear that! OP you're a noisy or your boyfriend does a good job.. ;)

AviKerensky 17

clever little bastard. best bag the bird before he gives you up to the bf's folks.

Lmao either she's noisy or she's faking it. Turn on a tv next time you get it on. That's what I do; works every time and then I can be as loud as I want haha

Parrot: "You make my girlhood tremble." *shuddering sigh*

Perhaps not having sex within ear shot of the parrot would be wise.

Easy fix. When the parrot orgasms, you imitate its moans too.

I'm wondering if those were your moans or his parent's..

Well, I think the OP would recognise their own voice.